If you’re a Yorkie owner, you may be wondering whether your pet likes water. After all, not all dogs are natural swimmers, and some breeds even have an aversion to water. But when it comes to Yorkies, the answer is a bit more complicated. While some Yorkies love to swim and play in the water, others may not be as enthusiastic.
So, do Yorkies like water? The short answer is that it depends on the individual dog. Yorkies are strong swimmers, but their skill level varies depending on how often they take to the waves. Some Yorkies may be hesitant to get in the water at first, while others may take to it like a fish. But regardless of your Yorkie’s natural inclination toward the water, it’s important to introduce them to it safely and positively.
In this article, we’ll explore the topic of Yorkies and water in more detail. We’ll look at some of the reasons why Yorkies may or may not like water, as well as some tips for introducing your pet to swimming and keeping them safe in and around water.
Whether you’re a seasoned Yorkie owner or thinking of adopting one, read on to learn more about this fascinating breed and its relationship with water.
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Yorkies and Water
If you’re a Yorkie owner, you may be wondering if your pet likes water. While not all Yorkies are natural swimmers, many enjoy playing in the water. Here are some factors that can affect your Yorkie’s water preferences.
Yorkies’ Natural Instincts
Yorkies are terriers, and while they were not bred for swimming, they do have an instinct to hunt and explore. This means that they may be drawn to water, especially if they see other animals or objects in it that they want to investigate.
However, not all Yorkies will be comfortable in the water. Some may be afraid or unsure of it, while others may simply not enjoy it. It’s important to introduce your Yorkie to water gradually and in a safe environment to see how they react.
Factors that Affect Yorkies’ Water Preferences
Several factors can influence whether or not your Yorkie likes water. These include:
- Temperature: Yorkies may prefer warmer water, especially if they have a thin coat.
- Size: Yorkies are small dogs, and may feel more comfortable in shallower water.
- Experience: If your Yorkie has had a positive experience with water in the past, they may be more likely to enjoy it in the future.
- Personality: Every dog is unique, and some Yorkies may simply have a stronger affinity for water than others.
Remember, even if your Yorkie enjoys water, it’s important to supervise them at all times and take precautions to keep them safe. This may include using a life jacket, keeping them away from deep water, and making sure they have access to fresh drinking water.
Training Yorkies to Enjoy Water
Start with Small Steps
Start by introducing your Yorkie to water in small doses. Begin with placing your Yorkie in a shallow pool or a bathtub filled with water. Make sure that you are supervising your Yorkie at all times. This will help your Yorkie get used to the water and build their confidence.
Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement is key when it comes to training your Yorkie to enjoy the water. Reward your Yorkie with treats and praise when they make progress. This will help your Yorkie associate water with positive experiences.
Make It Fun
Make swimming a fun experience for your Yorkie. Play games with your Yorkie in the water, such as fetch or tug-of-war. This will help your Yorkie associate water with playtime and fun. Remember, not all Yorkies will enjoy the water, and it’s important to respect your Yorkie’s preferences. Always supervise your Yorkie when they are around water, even if they are good swimmers.
Sources: Yorkiepassion.com
Yorkies and Swimming
If you’re a Yorkie owner, you may be wondering whether your pet likes to swim. While not all Yorkies enjoy swimming, many do, and it can be a great way for them to get exercise and cool off during hot weather. Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to Yorkies and swimming.
Safety Precautions
Before letting your Yorkie go for a swim, it’s important to take some safety precautions. Yorkies are small and can easily tire in the water, so it’s important to supervise them closely and make sure they don’t get too far from shore. Additionally, you should never leave your Yorkie unattended near water, as they could accidentally fall in and be unable to get out.
Swimming Gear for Yorkies
If you decide to take your Yorkie swimming, it’s a good idea to invest in some swimming gear for them. A flotation device can help keep them afloat and make it easier for them to swim, especially if they’re not very experienced in the water. Additionally, you may want to consider a waterproof coat or life jacket to help keep them warm and dry.
Benefits of Swimming for Yorkies
Swimming can be a great form of exercise for Yorkies, as it’s low-impact and can help improve their cardiovascular health. Additionally, swimming can be a fun way for your Yorkie to cool off during hot weather, and it can also help improve their mood and reduce stress. Just be sure to introduce your Yorkie to swimming gradually and always supervise them closely when they’re near water.
Sources: YYorkie, The Halo Pets, Yorkie Advice
How To Tell If The Water Is Safe For Your Yorkie To Swim In
While most water is safe for your dogs to swim in, some lakes and large public ponds may not be so safe.
Usually, the local authority that is responsible for the area will post a sign indicating whether or not it is safe for dogs to swim, however, this is not always the case so it is best to check yourself.
Here are some tips for safe Yorkie swimming:
Check the color
Any water that has a greenish or blueish tinge to the surface should be avoided. Certain types of algae are toxic to dogs and they create this color effect when a lake has been contaminated.
Check the current
Although Yorkies are good swimmers, even a moderate current can overpower them. If the waves are high or the current is fast, it is best to leave swimming for another day – or not at all.
Check the temperature of the water and make sure to have towels nearby if it is a mild or breezy day. Yorkies have coats but they get cold easily. If the water is too cold then you could risk your Yorkie developing hypothermia.
How To Keep Your Yorkie Safe in The Pool
You should never allow your Yorkie to swim alone. Even if you do not get into the pool yourself, your Yorkie should always be supervised when using the pool.
Otherwise, here are a few more safety tips on safe swimming for Yorkies.
Start in the Shallows
While your Yorkie is getting used to the pool it is best that you go in with her and keep her in the shallow end until she is used to swimming.
Swimming is a great form of exercise and if your Yorkie loves swimming but struggles to keep afloat then purchase doggie inflatable bodywear to help them stay above water while they swim.
If for any reason you cannot get into the pool yourself then attach a leash to your Yorkie while they swim.
A full harness is best as their weight will be evenly distributed if you have to pull them out in an emergency.
When your Yorkie is not using the pool, make sure that the pool is covered or there is a fence surrounding it to prevent your Yorkie from going in when you are not around.
How To Keep Your Yorkie Safe in The Sea
If you decide to head out to the beach for the day, there is no reason why your Yorkie can’t tag along for some seaside fun.
If you and your Yorkie plan to go for a swim, then make sure to check the following before you dive in.
Watch out for the tide, strong currents can pull your Yorkie under easily, or push them out to sea. Very strong tides will drag them along faster than you will be able to swim to catch them.
Surrounding fish will avoid your Yorkie but make sure your Yorkie doesn’t try to swim after them or attack them. Likewise do not let your Yorkie eat any of the fish. Raw fish can make your Yorkie ill.
Ocean water
Do not let your Yorkie drink any of the ocean water. They should be fine if they accidentally swallow a little during a swim but do not let them drink a lot.
Ocean water is full of salt and other bacteria that can make your Yorkie sick. Make sure to bring a lot of bottled water, especially if it is a hot day. Making sure your Yorkie drinks lots of bottled clean water before they go out for a swim will make sure they are not tempted to quench their thirst in the ocean.
Do Yorkies Like To Drink Water While Swimming?
Yorkies will drink water you set out for them in their bowl, but if you are worried about your Yorkie drinking water while they are out on a swim, don’t panic.
Yorkies, like other animals, know when it is time to drink and when not to drink. Your Yorkie will be too busy swimming to stop and consume water. However, a splash of water may go into its mouth from water currents.
This should be fine providing that the water your Yorkie is swimming in does not contain any harmful pathogens.
Do Yorkies Like Baths?
Your Yorkie will love anything that has to do with a little pampering, however, it is important to get the temperature and pressure of the water right.
If you need to bath your Yorkie then make sure the water is between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Any higher than this your Yorkie could be scalded, and lower temperatures will be uncomfortably cold.
If using a showerhead, adjust it to a slow or soft flow. This will make sure your Yorkie is relaxed and not startled by fast and hard water pressure.
Are Swimming Pools OK For Yorkies?
Swimming pools are a great form of play and exercise for your Yorkie. Neither chlorine nor saltwater pools are considered harmful for dogs but Yorkie owners should be mindful that the chemicals are of good quality.
Poor-quality chemicals may cause skin irritations, as Yorkies’ skin can be quite sensitive. Therefore, before placing your Yorkie in the pool, patch test some of the water first.
If it is your pool, then carefully read the labels of your pool chemicals and only use those that are on the milder side.
My name is Ken and I’m one of the staff writers at Petloverguy.com. I’ve cared for pets most of my life starting with hamsters, turtles, and snakes. Then moving up to parakeets, guinea pigs, and even ducks.
I currently live with two yorkies and a chihuahua mix.