Keeping Your Small Dog Safe: Top Rated Wireless Dog Fences

small dog running safely in yard with wireless dog fence
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Having a small dog can bring joy and happiness to any household, but it is also important to keep them safe. A wireless dog fence is an effective way to ensure that your pup stays within the boundaries you set for them, while still allowing them the freedom to explore and be active.

Invisible fences are designed to provide optimal security for your pet, without compromising their safety or comfort.

Whether you’re looking for a perimeter fence, an underground fence, or both — we’ve got you covered with our list of the 5 best wireless dog fences for small dogs. Read on to find out more and get the perfect fit for your pup!

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Quick Facts – According to the ASPCA, 15% of pet owners will lose a pet at some point. Of those pets that escape more than 85% are found. Dog owners are more likely (93%) to find their lost dog than cat owners (only 74% recovered). [source] Installing a physical or invisible pet fence can help keep your dog or cat in so this never happens to you!

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The Top 5 Wireless Dog Fences for Small Dogs

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Top Pick – PetSafe Stay & Play Dog and Cat Fence

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The PetSafe Stay & Play Dog and Cat Invisible Dog Fence make the top of the list because of their ease of use and its effectiveness. It features an adjustable range that should allow your small dog to walk and play around within a reasonable distance from the transmitter.

The play area is circular and ranges from 210 feet in diameter and 105 feet the radius at its maximum. For its minimum, you can expect 44 feet for its diameter and 22 feet for its radius.

This wide range of coverage makes the device an excellent choice for sizable yards but also smaller areas such as camping lots.

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Also check the price on Petsafe here.


  • No Additional Wire to Bury
  • Doesn’t Shock the Dog Upon Re-entry Into an Area
  • Flags Give the Dog a Visual Cue as to Their Borders
  • Wide Range of Coverage
  • Waterproof Collar
  • Long Battery Life
  • Easily buy additional collars


  • Hills and Slopes Can Interfere with Signal
  • The battery lasts 6 Months Before it Must be Replaced

small dog running safely in yard with wireless dog fence

Runner Up

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The PetSafe Wireless Dog and Cat Containment System takes the runner-up place. Also made from the same company as the top pick, this version of the invisible fence lost to the top pick because it offers less coverage.

However, you can also appreciate a lot of the same features as the top pick. It still has a waterproof collar and five levels of static charge.

Yet it only covers 1/2 acre instead of 3/4ths of an acre. You can also add more than one pet on this system.

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Check price on Petsafe here.


  • Decent Yard Coverage
  • No Additional Wire to Bury
  • Additional Training Methods Besides Static Correction
  • Flags for Visual Cues for Dogs
  • Easy to Set Up
  • Rechargeable Battery for the collar


  • Only 1/2 Acre Coverage
  • Not Recommended for Pets Under 8 Pounds
  • Hills May Interfere with Signal

Ella paying attention using airplane game method after getting distracted in yard

Best for Indoor Use

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The PetSafe Pawz Away Pet Barriers invisible fence is a great choice for pet owners who want to keep their small dog away from a certain area. Let’s say your dog is notorious for getting into the trash.

This wireless system works to create an invisible barrier around the trash. As the dog approaches it, the collar continues to intensify its stimulation until the dog is warded away.

This is a handy tool for owners who want to keep their small dog out of a certain room or area both while they’re home and while they’re away.

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Check price on Petsafe here.


  • Small Distance of 2-12 Feet in Diameter
  • Progressive Static Discharge
  • Tone-only mode
  • Adjustable Receiver Collar
  • Safety Shut-Off


  • Not Compatible with Systems Meant for Outdoors
  • Not Effective for Small Dogs with Long Hair

Best for Long-Haired Small Dogs

The WIEZ Dog Fence Wireless & Training Collar Outdoor 2-in-1, Electric Dog Fence for Dogs is a great choice for smaller dogs with a lot of hair. This is because the collar comes with two different length choices for its conductive posts.

Collars that feature too short of posts don’t effectively shock dogs when they’re past the boundary zone. They’ll keep on running out of the yard until you find a collar that can actually reach their skin.

This wireless fence aids that problem. It also features an adjustable collar that can be used to ensure the collar rests just right around your dog’s neck.

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  • Large Area of Coverage with 1968 Feet
  • Can Choose Various Modes to Boundary Train Your Dog
  • Waterproof Collar
  • Two Different Conductible Posts


  • No Flags
  • Signal Might Become Interfered with

Best for Stubborn Dogs

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The PetSafe Stubborn Dog In-Ground Fence can be an excellent choice for those with small dogs who are stubborn. Perhaps your small dog can easily shrug off most of the stimulation that they receive.

You need something stronger like what this wireless fence from PetSafe can provide. It features four levels of static correction that can reach high intensity. Yet it also offers a tone-only mode and vibration warning system to give them a few more chances before being shocked.

While this underground wired fence system does feature dozens of feet of wire, it’s necessary to help deliver a more intense stimulation for stubborn dogs. It can also increase the amount of coverage that the transmitter provides for those who have large yards.

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  • Custom Shape to Any Yard
  • Way Cheaper than Physical Fences
  • 4 Static Correction Levels for A Better Training Process
  • Includes Enough Feet of Wire for 1/3 Acre coverage
  • Easily Expandable to More Acreage with Additional Wiring
  • Flags for Visual Training
  • Adjustable Receiver Collar with Great Battery Life


  • Short Lifespan


How Do I Decide Which Invisible Fence Is Best for My Small Dog?

Choosing the right invisible fence for your small dog can be a daunting task. With so many brands, styles, and features available, understanding the options you have is essential in finding one that best suits your pet’s needs.

The first thing to consider is the size of your yard. If you have an especially large yard, you’ll need an underground wire that can cover it completely. Undergournd fence wires can vary from 200 feet all the way up to 1000 feet or more! You’ll also want to take into account any physical obstructions such as trees or hills that may interfere with signal strength. Make sure to choose a fence with adequate coverage and strong signal strength so your pet won’t wander off where they’re not supposed to go.

Next, decide how much training will be required for your pup in order for them to understand boundaries set by the fence. Different models provide varying levels of customization when it comes to boundary changes and pet-to-fence interactions such as auditory warnings or shocks when crossing boundaries. Many fences offer remote training capabilities through collar receivers which allow owners greater control over their pets’ movements and habits using static pulses delivered via radio signals from a hand-held device or app on their phone/tablet device

Finally, since most collars are often battery operated consider how frequently batteries need changing depending on usage level – generally speaking, battery life should last between 2 – 6 weeks per charge but make sure to double-check if possible! Additionally, some models are equipped with dual zones which allow different configuration settings within two separate areas of operation; this could come in handy if there are sections of your property where additional containment measures are necessary due to possible wildlife hazards etc…

Do These Fences Work?

In terms of keeping a dog in the yard, wireless fences are effective. They use a transmitter that provides a signal.

When the collar moves past the established boundary of that signal, the collar gives the dog a shock. This teaches them to remain within the boundary that they’ll eventually come to recognize.

An invisible dog fence can work better than a traditional fence provided that you keep the collar charged and use the right kind of fence for your specific dog. Some might require more intense levels of stimulation while others may need prongs that can reach their skin past their long hair.

Are Electric Fences Safe for Dogs?

Understandably, many people worry that an electric fence may physically and emotionally damage their dog. Your dog may be quite startled when they’s first shocked.

They may even grow to hate wearing their collar. However, provided that the collar works as it is supposed to, it shouldn’t harm your dog past the brief stimulation they receive if they pass over the electric dog fence boundary.

Abuse can occur, but that is up to the owner to ensure that the collar is working properly and that their dog isn’t testing the collar by continuously running through their boundary line.

Are Dog Shock Collars Cruel?

When abused, dog shock collars can be cruel. There are other methods of training your dog that utilize positive reinforcement instead of negative reinforcement.

However, if used responsibly, shock collars are not necessarily cruel.

Are These Systems Customized to Respect My Wi-fi Signal?

All of the models on this list have been carefully vetted not to cause any kind of interference with your wi-fi signal.

Can Each of These Systems Range Be Reduced to a Small Space?

Each of the models on this list can reduce the signal to a very small range, usually about 70 feet at minimum. This is perfect for the needs of campers and RV users who need to keep their dogs very close at hand.

Can You Connect the System to a Receiver for a Larger Boundary?

All of the systems on this list can be easily connected to a receiver to give your dog a much larger boundary to roam around in.

What’s the Difference Between a Wireless Dog Fence and An Underground Fence?

Wireless dog fences and underground fences both offer excellent solutions to keep pets safe while avoiding physical barriers. However, they are two very different types of pet containment systems that each have their strengths and weaknesses.

A wireless fence is a type of containment system that uses an electric current or radio frequency (RF) signal to create a ‘fence’ in the air around a designated area. The wireless fence sends out an intermittent signal from a transmitter unit, which can be placed anywhere in your yard or house within range of the collar receiver. When the pet wearing the collar moves beyond the boundary marked by this signal, it alerts them with an audible warning sound or vibration followed by a mild static stimulation to remind them not to go any farther away from home. This system does not require burying wires underground and allows much more flexibility with where you place it since you don’t need to worry about burying cables—you can easily move its location as needed!

An underground fence is just what it sounds like – an electronic boundary made up of buried wire cable connected between transmission boxes installed inside your house and throughout your property boundaries to create perimeter coverage along your desired path. The cable emits signals picked up by receivers fitted into special collars worn by your pet(s). 

They also have greater reach than most wireless models since buried wires can cover larger areas than aerial signals alone – ideal if you live in expansive land where normal above-ground fencing won’t do justice when keeping containments intact around all parts equally well.

Underground wired fences can also be custom-shaped to any shape of yard.

wireless dog fence small dogs

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