How Do You Make Raw Dog Food at Home? (Solved & Explained!)

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When making raw dog food at home, your food safety should be a top priority. Harmful bacteria and fungus can multiply on raw food if is mishandled.

Ensure you keep raw meat refrigerated. Defrost any frozen meat slowly over a few days in the fridge, do not leave it out on the bench as it may reach a “danger zone” of meat temperature that bacteria grows best. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling raw meat.

A raw meat diet or a BARF diet (biologically appropriate raw food) should consist of the following ratios:

  • 70% lean meat
  • 10% bone
  • 5% liver
  • 5% other organs (kidney, heart, pancreas)
  • 7% vegetables
  • 2% nuts and seeds
  • 1% fruit

Read on to see your informative answers to all your burning questions regarding a raw food diet for your dog.

How To Safely Prepare Raw Dog Food

Separate everything you use to prepare or handle raw food. 

Hands should always be washed before and after handling your pet’s food.

It will be necessary for you to defrost food safely before you feed your pet a raw diet. The microwave may cause uneven defrosting of raw diets, creating hotspots that can overheat other parts of the food and cook others.

Immediately after feeding, make sure everything is thoroughly clean. You should always sanitise surfaces where raw food has been prepared.

After defrosting, frozen meats must be consumed within 24 hours by your pet and shouldn’t be frozen again.

How Do I Start My Dog On A Raw Food Diet

Making any change to your dog’s diet takes time. This is true whether you’re making a dramatic change such as kibble to raw food or simply changing kibble brands!

Make the change of diet slowly throughout one to two weeks. Monitor the changes in your dog gradually. At first, the new diet can cause loose stools, so wait for your dog’s stomach to settle before continuing the transition.

Some believe you should fast your dog the day before the diet change to increase their appetite. Feed your dog half the amount they usually get the day before the change. If they are fit and healthy, this should not have any adverse reaction but rather create a psychological hunger to motivate its raw food despite being new and scary.


Can I Feed My Dog Raw Food From The Grocery Store?

Raw meat from the regular butchery section will be perfectly fine to feed to your dog. If the food is approved to be safe for humans by the FDA, it will be good for your dog to ingest.

At the grocery store, you can also find commercially made and packaged raw dog foods. These can be a good option for those looking to feed their dog a raw food diet for the benefits but do not have the time or means to prepare raw food at home.

Is It Cheaper To Make Your Own Raw Dog Food?

You have complete control over what your dog eats when you make your raw dog food. Because of this, homemade food is an excellent option for dogs with food sensitivities or health issues. In addition, homemade raw food is more affordable than store-bought.

Is Raw Food Diet Good For Dogs?

Some of the benefits attributed to raw food diets include shinier coats, halier skin, higher energy levels, and smaller feces.

Do Vets Recommend Raw Food Diets For Dogs?

Veterinary professionals advise against feeding raw diets to dogs who live in households with young children or those with compromised immune systems.

In principle, many vets are also against the raw food diet as it allows a lot of room for mistakes as the general dog owner is no nutritionist. In contrast, professionals created regular dog food to provide all a dog needs to survive and thrive.

Vets also say that raw meat can transfer diseases like salmonella and campylobacter to both owners and pets. In addition, raw meat can transfer internal parasites to dogs.

Do Dogs Live Longer On A Raw Food Diet?

Some advocates will claim that raw food can increase a dogs lifespan by up to 3 years. This link is yet to be scientifically confirmed.

A raw food diet might help control obesity in your dog so reduce the risk of related illnesses such as diabetes and organ disease. 

Dogs who eat regular dog food can live long, healthy lives with good care. A raw diet is a personal preference and not required for a healthy dog.

Is Freeze-Dried Raw Food As Good As Fresh?

Freeze-dried raw food has the same nutritional content as raw, with the bonus convenience of long last shelf life. Freeze-dried may be more expensive than regular raw food as more labour is involved in the manufacturing process.

Why Is Raw Dog Food So Expensive?

Commercially produced raw food products are more expensive than usual dog food because the price is inflated to reflect the quality of ingredients, the sourcing of said ingredients and the extra processing, packaging and preserving.

Making your homemade raw food may actually save you many in the long run if you buy and make food in bulk.

Is It Okay To Mix Kibble With Raw Meat?

Many rumours are going around the raw diet community that feeding dry food with raw meat can make your dog sick due to the different digestive requirements for each type of food.

This is false. Feeding dry food with raw food is perfectly safe. Your pooches tough gut will be able to handle it just fine.

Are Raw Eggs Safe For Dogs?

Eggs are high in fatty acids and oils that can be beneficial to your dog’s coat condition.

Feeding raw eggs poses a risk of contracting salmonella. Thus it is better to provide your dog with cooked eggs to reduce this risk.

Some dogs can have allergies to eggs, so only feed a small amount and gauge their reaction over the next day when feeding eggs for the first time. Look for vomiting, diarrhea, redness and itchiness to indicate an allergic reaction.

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