Does Raw Eggs Help Dogs Gain Weight? (Solved!)

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Eggs are a great choice if you are looking for your dog to add weight. Eggs are chock-full of protein, healthy fats, and amino acids making them a considerable source of nutrition for your dog. While it likely won’t hurt them to consume a raw egg, it is best to serve your dog cooked eggs to reduce the risk of contracting harmful bacteria such as salmonella.

The rest of the article will go into detail over the positive health benefits of eggs, what makes them a great option to help your dog gain weight, and how you can best integrate them into your dog’s daily diet.

Are eggs a healthy source of fat?

Yes – eggs contain 5 grams of healthy fat, with all of the fat content being found in the yolk. The yolk also contains fat-soluble nutrients making them a great addition to a healthy, balanced diet for your pet.

Are eggs good for you?

Yes! Although once villainized over their cholesterol content, the American Heart Association guidelines state that having an egg a day is perfectly healthy! Coming in at only 75 calories, a single egg contains 7 grams of protein, is rich in vitamins and iron, and contains disease-fighting carotenoids such as lutein.

How much cholesterol a day is recommended?

Eating a few eggs is not a cause for concern when it comes to cholesterol levels. In a blind study run by the National Library of Medicine, in almost all cases, eggs increased the amount of “good” HDL cholesterol, while the “bad” LDL cholesterol remained stable, indicating that an intake of up to 3 eggs per day is perfectly fine for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

Do eggs have the same health benefits for dogs as they do humans?

Eggs actually have an even more positive effect on dogs than humans. Since dogs don’t have the same risks of cholesterol-related diseases, they can consume eggs for weight gain without posing any additional cholesterol risk.

Will eggs make my dog sick?

Not likely. Eggs are easily digestible for most dogs, so as long as you ensure the egg is stored properly (refrigerated or consumed within 2 hours of being laid) and cooked thoroughly, eggs should not pose a risk to your dog’s health.

How many eggs should I give my dog a day?

Eggs should be given to your dog as a treat, not as a main meal. A rule of thumb to follow is that eggs should make up for 10% of your dog’s daily calories. As to how much you should increase these amounts if you are looking to help your dog to gain weight, it is best to determine this under the guidance of your vet, as different dogs have different caloric intake requirements.

What are considered unhealthy fats for dogs?

While eggs contain healthy fats, there are a number of weight-gaining fats that can cause issues for your dog, resulting in gastrointestinal upset (such as diarrhea or vomiting) and can lead to severe pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) which is often times fatal. Foods that are high in butter and oils can increase a dog’s risk of inflammation, such as chocolate or meat scraps.

What is considered a healthy weight for dogs?

Calculating a dog’s ideal weight varies and is measured based on a number of factors, including breed type and whether your dog is male or female. While there’s no definitive reference as to what your dog should weigh, Purina developed a “Body Condition System”, which is a structure supported by veterinarians that categorizes dogs on a 1-9 scale (1 being ‘too thin’, and 9 being ‘too heavy’) using visual and touch inspection to assess your dog’s ribs, waste line and tummy.

What if my dog eats too many eggs?

While eggs are not inherently toxic to dogs, consuming too many in a single day can result in your dog having stomach discomfort, such as gas and diarrhea. More long-term effects of over consumption can result in obesity, so it is best to stick to one egg a day for larger breeds, and half an egg a day for smaller breeds.

How can I tell if my dog is allergic to eggs?

While most dogs can consume eggs with no side-effects, some dogs may be born with or develop an egg allergy in their lifetime. Symptoms of an allergic reaction may include: itching, chronic digestive issues, and difficulty breathing – if you notice your dog exhibiting any of these symptoms soon after implementing eggs into their diet, try withholding eggs to see if the symptoms ease off. If the symptoms become more severe, contact your vet immediately.

Can I feed my dog egg whites?

Yolks contain the bulk of nutrition in the egg, and most recipes which incorporate egg into a dog’s meal plan is strictly for the yolk content. While your dog can safely consume egg whites, having too many can result in hair loss, specifically on the face. This is due to a protein called avatin which binds with biotin receptors and prevents absorption into the body.

Can I give my dog eggshells?

Yes – eggshells hold their own nutritional value, are high in calcium, and are a great alternative for senior dogs or dogs with bite issues that cannot eat bones. You will need to prepare the shells accordingly, which includes boiling the shells to remove any potentially harmful chemicals that may have been sprayed on by farms, and crushing them up to avoid a choking hazard.

What are some ways I can incorporate eggs into my dog’s diet?

Eggs are very versatile, so you can integrate them into your dog’s diet in several ways. While you should limit raw consumption, you can boil, fry or poach a plain egg (no butter, salt or other spices), as well as bake a plain egg into homemade dog treats. We recommend against adding salt or any other spices as toppings as they can cause gastrointestinal issues with your dog. 

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