Yorkie Poos: Hair or Fur? Clearing Up the Confusion

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If you’re considering getting a Yorkie Poo, one of the first questions you may have is whether they have hair or fur. The answer is simple: Yorkie Poos have hair, just like humans do. This makes them a great choice for people with allergies or for those who are looking for a dog that won’t shed all over the furniture.

Yorkie Poos are a crossbreed between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Poodle, which means they inherit the hypoallergenic coat from the Poodle side. This coat is made up of hair rather than fur, which means it grows continuously and needs regular grooming. Keeping your Yorkie Poo’s coat trimmed and brushed will help to minimize shedding and keep them looking their best.

Yorkie Poos: Hair or Fur?

Understanding Yorkie Poos

If you’re considering getting a Yorkie Poo, you might be wondering whether they have hair or fur. Yorkie Poos are a cross between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Poodle, so their coat can vary depending on their genes. However, most Yorkie Poos have hair rather than fur.

Sweet little Yorki-Poo puppy laying in a bed of red roses shapped like a heart on a white background.

Hair vs. Fur: What’s the Difference?

The main difference between hair and fur is the texture. Hair is longer, finer, and grows continuously, while fur is shorter, thicker, and sheds seasonally. Yorkie Poos have hair that grows continuously, just like human hair. This means that they require regular grooming to prevent matting and tangling.

Yorkie Poo Portrait that is well positioned

Yorkie Poos do not have fur, but rather they have hair just like humans do. This makes them a great choice for people with allergies or for those who are looking for a dog that won’t shed all over the furniture. However, it’s important to note that even though Yorkie Poos have hair, they still require regular grooming to keep their coat healthy and shiny.

In conclusion, Yorkie Poos have hair rather than fur. Understanding the difference between hair and fur is important when it comes to taking care of your Yorkie Poo’s coat. By providing regular grooming and care, you can help your pet look and feel their best.

Do Yorkie Poos Have Hair or Fur?

If you’re considering getting a Yorkie Poo, you might be wondering whether they have hair or fur. The answer is that Yorkie Poos have hair, not fur. This is good news for people with allergies, as it means that Yorkie Poos are hypoallergenic and won’t shed all over your furniture.

Yorkie Poo Coat Types

There are two main types of Yorkie Poo coats: curly and straight. The curly coat is more like a Poodle’s coat, while the straight coat is more like a Yorkie’s coat. Both coats are hypoallergenic, but the curly coat requires more grooming to prevent matting.

It’s important to note that Yorkie Poos can come in a variety of colors, including black, brown, white, and gray. Some Yorkie Poos may also have a mix of colors or patterns.

Very cute yorkie-Poo puppy on a white background with copy space.

Grooming a Yorkie Poo

While Yorkie Poos don’t shed much, they do require regular grooming to keep their coat healthy and free of tangles. You should brush your Yorkie Poo’s hair at least once a week, and take them to a professional groomer every 6 to 8 weeks for a trim.

In addition to regular brushing and grooming, you should also clean your Yorkie Poo’s ears and teeth regularly to prevent infections and dental problems.

Overall, Yorkie Poos are a great choice for people with allergies or for those who want a low-shedding dog. With proper grooming and care, your Yorkie Poo can have a healthy and beautiful coat.



If you’re looking for a dog that won’t shed all over your furniture, a Yorkie Poo might be a great choice for you. These little dogs have hair instead of fur, which makes them hypoallergenic and perfect for people with allergies. However, they do require regular grooming to keep their coats healthy and tangle-free.

While Yorkie Poos are small in size, they are big in personality. They are affectionate, playful, and loyal dogs that love to be around their owners. They are also intelligent and easy to train, making them great pets for families with children.

It’s important to note that Yorkie Poos, like all dogs, have unique personalities and temperaments. While they are generally friendly and outgoing, some may be more reserved or independent. It’s important to spend time with a dog before adopting it to ensure that its personality is a good fit for your lifestyle.

Overall, Yorkie Poos make great pets for people who want a small, hypoallergenic dog that is full of personality. With proper care and attention, they can be wonderful companions for many years to come.

Sources: Animalso, The Happy Puppy Site, Daily Paws, The Halo Pets


Does Yorkie Poo shed the hair?

Yorkipoos have very special coats. They produce very little dander and shedding at a minimum, making them an excellent choice for owners with allergies, the elderly, or people who simply want a cute little dog whose fur they won’t have to constantly clean off of the furniture.

This, coupled with their diminutive size, makes them a perfect, low-maintenance dog for many happy owners.

Do Yorkie Poos have long hair?

The mix of Yorkshire Terrier and Poodle makes for some very interesting hair. It does indeed grow out long and silky-soft, though the Poodle DNA means that it can tangle easily if you don’t take care of it.

The hairs themselves are quite similar to human hairs, more so than to fur, and they don’t have much dander to speak of – making them a great dog if you have allergies or simply hate cleaning up shed fur.

What is the difference between Yorkie and Yorkie Poo hair?

Aside from the curl to the hair, you’ll notice if you compare the two that a purebred Yorkie is a little bit smaller than a Yorkie Poo. This is understandable when you consider the different sizes of the parents, of course, and the size difference is not huge.

As far as personalities, they are both affectionate dogs, though Yorkie Poos seem a little more on the relaxed side while Yorkies are more energetically aggressive.

Do Yorkie Poos have curly hair?

Most often Yorkie Poos will have curls, whether they are of the tight variety or loose, but this is not always the case. Sometimes your Yorkipoo will take after their Yorkshire side and you’ll end up with long, straight, and silky hair.

It’s luck of the draw as well as selective breeding, so when you are meeting with a breeder be sure to take a look at the parents, as well as the pup and you should be able to find a Yorkie Poo with the kind of hair that you like.

How fast does YorkPoo’sPoo hair grow?

Yorkie Poo hair grows pretty quickly, reaching floor length after approximately 8 to 12 months. On average, you can expect their hair to grow at a rate of ¼ to ½ of an inch per month, provided that they are getting proper nutrition.

Just be sure to keep that hair brushed, as some Yorkipoos have tight curls that can get tangled if you’re not careful.

Do Yorkie Poos need haircuts?

Grooming a Yorkipoo is a little different from other dogs and more like grooming a human. Yorkie Poos have hair, rather than fur, so a little trim every once in a while can help to ensure that their hair grows out nicely.

Take your dog to a groomer every 6 to 8 weeks and this should be just about perfect for ensuring that your Yorkie Poo always looks its best.

Do Yorkie Poos’s hair change color?

Yes, Yorkie Poos do change color, and the process begins at around 6 months of age. This will continue until they are 1 or 2 years of age, at which point they will have their adult coat and their coloration will have slightly changed.

This is completely normal and the change isn’t generally that dramatic, but your dog will indeed look a little bit different when they’ve matured. When you purchase your pup from a breeder, taking a look at the parents can give you a good idea of what their adult coat may be like.

How often should a Yorkie Poo be bathed?

On average, you will want to bathe your Yorkie Poo once every 2 to 4 weeks. You can bathe them more often if you like or if your dog loves getting dirty, but barring this then once every 2 to 4 weeks should be just fine to ensure that your dog looks and smells their best.

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