Table of Contents
- Why Does My Dog Chew Door Knobs?
- How Do I Get My Dog To Stop Chewing The Door Knob?
- 1. Pay More Attention to Your Dog
- 2. Keep Them in the Crate
- 3. Let Them Get Your Scent
- 4. Keep Them Away from Chewable Objects
- 5. Give Them Only the Best Dog Toys
- 6. Keep Them Diverted from Unauthorized Objects
- 7. Never Give Them Shoes or Socks
- 8. Give Them Plenty of Exercise
- Why is My Dog Chewing on Metal?
Why Does My Dog Chew Door Knobs?
Has your dog been chewing up a storm lately? There may be any number of reasons why this should be the case. You may have been out of the house a good deal lately. During this time, you may not have spent many intimate moments with your dog. They may be feeling lonely or anxious and thus acting out in response.
It may also be that you have a young puppy who is still going through their basic teething stage. If this is the case, it’s a good idea to get them a chew toy. This will keep the pain of teething to a minimum by giving them something healthy to exercise their jaws on. It will also save your furniture.
If your adult dog suddenly can’t stop chewing things, it may be due to a problem with their teeth, gums, or jaws. Should this be the case, it’s a very good idea to get them to a vet for a checkup. There may be a medical issue that is causing the chewing. The sooner you get it fixed, the sooner your door knob can get a respite.
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How Do I Get My Dog To Stop Chewing The Door Knob?
If your dog is chewing up your door knob and other items, you need to take action. This is not a healthy item for your dog to grow obsessed with. The danger to their teeth and gums is considerable. There are a number of steps you can follow to get them to stop. These can be listed below in the following order.
1. Pay More Attention to Your Dog
Your dog may be acting out because they just aren’t getting enough attention from you. Now is the time to give them the love and care that they crave. It’s also a good idea to spend more time with them so that you can protect them from bad habits. Paying more attention to them will keep them from developing a chewing fixation with door knobs.
2. Keep Them in the Crate
If you have to leave the home for a few hours, you may need to crate your dog. This will give them a safe, controlled environment to remain in until you return. Make sure the crate is big enough for them to move around in. Pad it down with warm blankets. Be sure to include food, water, snacks, and plenty of toys for them to happily chew on.
3. Let Them Get Your Scent
Dogs operate with an extremely keen sense of smell. If you take the time to rub a bit of your scent on their favorite blanket, bone, or chew toy, this will help them relax while you are gone. Your scent will reassure them and help them to stay calm. This is all the more important if you are going to be gone for a longer time than normally.
4. Keep Them Away from Chewable Objects
Your best bet while you are gone is to keep your dog in the crate. This will allow you to control their access to the things they can chew on in your absence. They should only have a few pet bones and chew toys. Keeping them in the crate will help them to avoid temptation by restricting their access to chairs, tables, and door knobs.
5. Give Them Only the Best Dog Toys
The quality of the chew toys that you buy for your dog should always be as high as possible. If you buy them bones, make sure that they are made of materials that will not easily splinter. The chew toys you buy should not be coated with any toxins that will cause irritation for your dog. Read consumer reviews online before you buy.
If you should happen to come upon your dog chewing something they shouldn’t, take action right away. Your best bet will be to interrupt them. As they are responding to a shout or pet, divert them with an authorized object such as a bone or chew toy. This will get them chewing on the safe object and focused away from the door knob.
7. Never Give Them Shoes or Socks
One of the worst things you can ever do is to give your dog old shoes or socks to chew on. This not only teaches them very bad habits but can also be very dangerous. Shoes and socks are made of material that could choke your dog. It’s also important to remember that your dog doesn’t know which socks and shoes they are allowed to chew on.
8. Give Them Plenty of Exercise
The last thing you should keep in mind is that your dog needs plenty of exercise. Part of the reason for them chewing so much is that they may have excess energy to spare. If this is the case, you’ll do well to run, play, and exercise with them on a day to day basis. This will tire them out and leave them no energy to chew on things.
Why is My Dog Chewing on Metal?
Your dog may be suffering from a mineral deficiency. If this is the case, you may suddenly find them starting to chew on metal objects such as doorknobs. Your best bet in this situation is to take them to the vet for a checkup. They may be lacking in certain minerals that your vet can identify and then quickly supply them with.
It may just be that they need some extra mineral supplements as part of their daily diet. If the problem is more acute, such as an issue with their teeth or gums, your vet can suggest a course of treatment. It’s a good idea to get them to a vet right away so as to nip the issue in the bud.
My name is Ken and I’m one of the staff writers at I’ve cared for pets most of my life starting with hamsters, turtles, and snakes. Then moving up to parakeets, guinea pigs, and even ducks.
I currently live with two yorkies and a chihuahua mix.