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What Are Dead Zones And What Are They Used For?
Dead zones are areas in the coverage of an invisible dog fence that you have deliberately chosen to cancel out. This means that there will be gaps in the coverage of a fence that have been created deliberately. Your dog or any other animal that happens to be in the yard at the time can take full advantage of these gaps to move around freely.
There are a number of reasons why you may choose to create such a gap and permit it to remain. The main reason will be to allow your dog to move from a certain area to another one. For example, you may wish your dog to be able to move down to the edge of a water feature without touching other areas, such as fountains, along the way.
Can You Create Dead Zones In Wireless Fences That Use Transmitters?
If you feel it to be necessary, you can create specially designed dead zones in a wireless fence. You can do this by making use of the transmitters that normally power such a fence. In most cases, you can extend the range of a wireless transmitter by adding another one. Having two transmitters together usually eliminates dead zones.
In order to specially create a dead zone that your dog will benefit from, you can simply position two transmitters at a certain distance apart. The distance needs to be wide enough so that they cover their intrinsic areas but do not work together to create an overlap. The area with no overlap will be the dead zone your dog can use.
How Do You Cancel Out Parts Of Underground Fence For Dogs?
Using an underground fence is, in many ways, a completely different ballgame than using an electric wireless fence. The essential principles tend to remain the same. However, the application of those principles is played out in a different manner. It should also be noted that creating dead zones in either system is a different affair.
If you desire to create a dead zone in an underground fence system, you will have to use completely different means than you would with an electric wireless system. With an underground system, you basically have wires that convey the signal from one end of the perimeter to the other. You can use them to create the dead zones you desire.
The principle behind an underground fence system is easy to comprehend. The two main wires that make up the bulk of the system are not meant to come into contact with each other. If you cross them, they will cancel each other out. As long as you keep them far enough apart, they work normally. So why do you want to create a dead zone?
The method for doing so is simple enough. You can simple twist both ends of the wire together. As soon as you do this, it will create an overload that acts to cancel the outgoing signal. This overload and resultant cancellation will let your dog move from one area of the dead zone to the other without ever leaving your property.
How Do You Block An Invisible Fence Signal?
There are a number of methods that you may be able to use in order to effectively block an invisible fence signal. The reason for doing so will be create to a safe dead zone that your dog can use to cross from one area to another without ever leaving your property. One of the most effective methods is to make use of a metal pipe conduit.
You can start by laying a metal pipe in the ground. This pipe will be your conduit. Run the wire from the invisible fence system through the pipe that is in the ground. Also drive a metal spike into the ground near to it. This is the spike that you will use in order to ground the entire system in order to create a safe dead zone.
Make sure that the pipe itself has been properly grounded before you place the invisible fence wires in it. You can achieve this by connecting your pipe to a wire. After you have done so, you then connect the wire to a metal spike that you drive into the ground next to it. Take the collar from the system in hand and try to cross it.
If the system has been laid correctly, you should receive no warning of any kind from the collar as you move across the newly created dead space. The moment the collar begins to beep or vibrate, you will know the limits of the zone. You can then adjust the pipe and wires to either compress or broaden the dead zone to fit your needs.
Other Layouts and Options
There are a number of other layout and options that you can use to create a specially customized dead zone on your property. These include the following:
The system uses a single continuous loop for the front as well as back yard. You will create two loops. One will be for the front and the other for the back. Make sure they are 3 feet apart so that the signal will remain strong. This will allow you to control your dog’s movement from the back yard to the front.
Fence Jumping Prevention
Use a double loop system in a vertical fashion along the back yard fence. You can then apply the twisted boundary wire technique under each of your gates. This will allow your dog to move in and out of your gate when you open it.
Garden or Pool Exclusion
Use the twisted wire system to create exclusion loops around areas in your back yard such as your garden or pool. Run the wires around these areas and twist them as needed. This will let your dog roam around the back while avoiding your specified areas.
My name is Ken and I’m one of the staff writers at I’ve cared for pets most of my life starting with hamsters, turtles, and snakes. Then moving up to parakeets, guinea pigs, and even ducks.
I currently live with two yorkies and a chihuahua mix.